Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Novel Editing Continues (interminably)

I have got my last pages back from my mother and am now in the process of copy-editing them (and doing draft revisions occasionally too when the mood hits me). Did about 2.5 chapters yesterday but the .5 was a mistake. I was still feeling good to go and then hit the first major tangle-up in the third and was like: I don't have the mojo for this right now.

So it's today's project.

Pam picked up a bunch of shifts. On one hand I'm happy because she needed the hours but on the other hand it's a bit of a pain because her shifts are night shifts. This means I don't get to see her much, she's exhausted when she gets home and goes pretty much straight to bed, and our dinner plans for the week are kind of toast.

The Liberals backed the Conservatives on the Colombia free trade agreement. Just goes to show that if you claim to be anti-drug and pro-business it doesn't matter what a tinpot little warlord you really are. I swear, if they ran candidates in Ontario, I'd be voting Bloc who hit the nail on the head when they said "Deux Partis, Un Regard" about the Liberals and the Conservatives.

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