Sunday, August 30, 2009

More on Brust

As I mentioned in my last post I've been reading a book called "Dzur" by Steven Brust. Now part of what I enjoy about Brust is his willingness to experiment with the structural elements of his books.

Within this particular volume each chapter is preceded by a short passage recounting a course of an extravagant meal the protagonist has at the beginning of the story. Now I love to cook and so I find this particular peculiarity to be especially pleasant.

I've even tried my hand at cooking a dish derived from this fantasy feast and it worked quite well; Mr. Brust seems to have at least enough knowledge of good cooking to devise recipes nearly as novel as his books.

The other thing I like about Brust is that he keeps his stories short and simple. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't get intimidated by epics. It's just that I find that some of the excesses of Robert Jordan and his ilk tend to tire after a while. A fantasy author whose books don't generally seem to exceed the 100,000 word mark is a refreshing change.

Of course there is a down-side to it. I'm almost finished!

Oh well... I guess it's to the library with me again.

1 comment:

  1. Well isn't that an interesting tidbit. A recipe. And you tried one? What was it?

    You mean you don't like BRICKS? Robert Jordan lost me when an entire novel (can't even remember which one) was a day. That's it. A day. 1200 pages for a day.
